I feel I need to give MY "COSBY EXPERIENCE" in light of all that's been attached to his name. I do not know what is or is not true about ANYTHING. But, I have to share that in the mid-90's I was acting part time and working a regular job. On my off days, I'd tried to substitute teach in the projects because I felt my presence was "needed" there. One day, in February, I had a "Special Ed" class. As you know, "Special Ed" classes are pretty much only "warehouses" where they "dock" kids they deem useless, so this class had had NO TEACHER since the beginning of the year! -- only a battery of subs-- no books... little heat... nothing. As an exercise, I asked them what their favorite show was. They unanimously said, "The Cosby Show". I explained that the actors didn't just show up and start talking but that WRITERS created SCRIPTS for them. I explained the format of a 22 minute sitcom, the dynamics of a "writer's room" and suggested they "write" a script for The Cosby Show.
Since they neither read nor wrote, I volunteered to be the "Secretary" as we got in a circle and they dictated their story to me. Because these children watched this show so religiously, they INSTINCTIVELY knew the "formula" for the show and "wrote" the most amazing and cutest little script about Rudy breaking a window and trying to hide it. I was only at the school for one day but wanted to make an impact. I went home, typed it up, and sent it to The Cosby Show, asking if they could please have Mr. Cosby just write a letter to them congratulating them on their efforts. But, Bill Cosby did one better: He had THE ENTIRE CLASS FLOWN UP TO NEW YORK FROM CHICAGO FOR A DAY ON THE SET OF THE COSBY SHOW! This, IN ADDITION to the over $30 million dollars of his own money he has contributed to Black colleges and universities and how he very STRATEGICALLY used his career to advance our "Progress Agenda" --educationally as well as psychically -- to raise the bar on how we see ourselves and our place in the world.
This was just one of those "little things" that no doubt was one of many that he did out of that mindset that never reached the press, but which made a difference nonetheless, in the lives of a dozen or so forgotten Black boys in the projects of Chicago. I didn't get to go, however. Though Bill Cosby insisted to the school that the trip would not happen unless I was included, the scandalous Principal of the school tricked me into thinking the trip was cancelled, then took one of her relatives who SAID they were me! Now, THAT'S the type of low level deceit that "mere mortals" are capable of. This Principal and Everybody who had done NOTHING for these children wanted to get on the bandwagon and I didn't even know they had gone until later. But, Mr. Cosby made a HUGE DIFFERENCE in the lives of those otherwise discarded babies and I think I need to make that known.
Also, I find it interesting that these charges would surface EXACTLY at the time that he was about to re-enter the television arena with a show that would no doubt, go AGAINST the negative propaganda agenda against Blacks these days. A show that would derail the "Desperate Housewives of Atlanta", "Flava Flav", "Love and Hip Hop", almost every daytime "Maury Povich-type" show and all the wretched tripe that has very effectively served to turn public opinion against us to the point where Grand Juries can condone our mass extermination. ONLY Cosby had the power do that.
Like I said, I have no idea about these horrific allegations, but I do believe that for this agenda to go on unchecked, he needed to be gotten out of the way. Much like the allegations against Michael Jackson resurfaced EXACTLY at the time ownership of The Beatles Catalog he owned came due for renewal. Hmnnnnn.... food for thought. I encourage any of you who has had a positive encounter with Mr. Bill Cosby to share it. It's important for OUR OWN self esteem.
Love all of you dearly,