Listen to Leading The Leaders.m4a by Rayel on #SoundCloud
Listen to Turning You Into A Computer.m4a by Rayel on #SoundCloud
I just HAD TO share this baby!
She's all grown up now (at 20). But this was when she was still a LITTLE Twinkling Starr capturing hearts and hopes. 😇ðŸŒ
This shoulda been the "Official Video" for the song!
A Facebook Friend posted this throwback pic of him and his Grandmother on their way to church back in the day. Today, he's a successful Black man, in no small measure, due to this kind of love
I felt so much love and longing from this pic that i had to save it... reflect on it... speak on it.
It was Grandma's like this who kept us, as a community, from going totally off the rails.
This pic represents almost everyone on this thread, who came up, got an education, and went forward into the world with confidence, and HOPE.
Grandma's strength.
Grandma's love.
Grandma's prayers.
Hairweaves destroyed ALL that. (Funny/not Funny)
Following the news this week of Singer, R. Kelly being found guilty of racketeering, sex trafficking, forced labor and sexual exploitation of a child, Black folks were, as usual all over the internet with their memes and jokes.
Of course, I had to speak on it.
There are no winners here.
We make a joke out of EVERYTHING, but deal with NONE of our community issues.
When I was on the radio in LA, talking about not buying his music, to hold him accountable, after his "pee tape" came out, ... you all rolled your eyes and kept bumping to his beats. NONE of you cared about that girl. NONE of you!
You stood by him because you liked the beats... same with all these rappers leading a holocaust in our neighborhoods.
Now... what?... 20 years after the FIRST... PUBLIC PEDOPHILIA event that you all ignored, NOW you want to crack jokes? Perhaps if we had held them accountable YEARS AGO, we wouldn't now have so much devastation to joke about.
But even deeper, let's look inside the machinery of Big Business. WHEREVER there is big money made, those on the inside, at best, look the other way.
I remember hearing that Kelly owed one of his handlers money and essentially said "f you". THAT'S when his underaged proclivity first got leaked out.
That would mean that "his people" and ALL of "the people" of Big money makers know what's going on long before somebody gets pissed off and leaks the news.
So, in this case, the insiders looked the other way, for years, because they were making money... and when it got out, WE looked the other way because we liked the groove.
Then, once THE SYSTEM shuts it down, all we can do is JOKE about it instead of truly looking at the toll it's taken. The carnage.
This is why things only get worse and worse for us.
We are Soooo far away from our GOD SELVES that we don't even see the sanctity of our CHILDREN anymore!
If all you can do is JOKE right now, you Don't need to be looking OUTside at ANYTHING. We really need to be looking at OurSELVES.