Thursday, December 2, 2021


Another school shooting. 😢😔 I feel so much frustration for those children who were subjected to it, and definitely for the families of those lost. The news said TWO different teachers had JUST met with his parents AGAIN earlier that day!!! OBVIOUSLY, there were glaring signs long before this. If you've never seen this movie, "WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN", you really should. If you are discerning and really pay attention, there are SOOOO many lessons in it. This movie is HAUNTING. The seeds of these tragedies are sown wayyyyy back... wayyyyy deep. And they are SPIRITUAL. They must be identified and dealt with EARLY in a TAILORED way. Not every situation is the same... so while some legislation must be put in place that doesn't make you " WAIT until they do something", you can't just impose some kind of "blanket legislation", like the "thought police", either. And, ultimately, THE WORD OF GOD never returns void: "The sins of the fathers WILL be returned upon the sons." There are SPIRITUAL LAWS that WILL be carried out REGARDLESS of whether or not you know or believe they exist. Laws that MUST be respected. In this movie, while it probably wasn't their intent, it CLEARLY illustrated those laws in affect. I noticed this too, in the book, "A Beautiful Boy". As soon as I read that the parents were atheists, that explained their son's whole drug addiction. If YOU are DEFIANTLY given over to an "anti-God" lifestyle, you GIVE PERMISSION for satan to lay claim to your child. Period. You can argue and "not believe" all you want. You can "not believe" in gravity either. But, I dare you to jump off a roof. GET YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER by making a RELATIONSHIP with Jesus the cornerstone of your family. I'm not talking just church. I'm talking about getting to KNOW Him... intimately through His Word, His Ways, welcoming HIS PRESENCE into your home and as the HEAD of your family. When your child is CONCEIVED, even in that CONCEPTION, a CHOICE is made. It's like picking a basketball team. Satan is on one side and Jesus is on the other. They BOTH want your child on their team. Who are you going to give him or her to? The good news, though, is that even if your child WAS claimed by satan, by DEFAULT, because of YOUR sin or AMBIVALENCE (Remember... NO choice IS a choice for the devil), you still have ENORMOUS POWER, as the head of your household to CLAIM (or RECLAIM) your child for Jesus Christ, who is THE ONLY NAME satan and his minions fear. YOU can't do it, but JESUS can. But you have to love your child more than your pride, to ask Him to.