Sunday, October 29, 2023
When You Do The Right Thing and You STILL Get Jacked ** VIDEO**
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Friday, April 21, 2023
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
And way too many black men were molested as young boys and sufferring intimacy issues, sexual identity struggles, and even predatory urges, themselves, as a result. Yet, we are being bullied into celebrating and ACCEPTING the aftermath of the crime rather than healing and exorcizing the psychic and soul traumas.
Dr. Boyle is a Human Rights Activist and BIOWEAPONS EXPERT with TWO Magna Cum Laude Doctorates from Harvard. CRUCIAL information you will NOT get from the mainstream media!!! Please watch and SHARE !!!!
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Someone posted a picture of his young nephew who had big hips, narrow shoulders, and "man boobs" to the point where he was shockingly built more like a middle aged woman than a young man.
He hadn't DONE anything to achieve this. He just was.
I pointed out that this is a clear example of endocrine disruption from the pesticides in our foods and the chemicals in the products he's grown up using. Not even to mention the effect of cell phone and cell tower radiation on adoleslescent DNA (which has been proven, for years to be corruptive).
I shared this video of Dr. Tyrone Hayes and his studies on the sex changing effects of the pesticide, Atrazine.
I also referred, to an older post of mine in which I went through the ingredient list on a bottle of Johnson & Johnson baby wash, identifying a SLEW of ingredients that also cause endocrine disruption, and even birth defects IN VITRO!
And, lastly, I tried to help tie all these things together to a "why". WHY are they pushing ABORTION, GENDER DYSPHORIA, THE "V", SILENCING THE CHURCHES, AND USING BLACK PEOPLE, SO AMBITIOUSLY TO DO IT?
This is a simplified answer:
While they computerize and robotize everything they can, A LOT of jobs will be eliminated-- a lot of jobs that were primarily inhabited by Blacks.
The "powers that be" already announced, years back, their plans to "reduce the population by about 25% with vaccines and other (technologies)" (Bill Gates).
Black people are at the top of that list as those same "powers" have been trying to find an answer to "the Negro problem " since the abolition of slavery! How to get rid of us after our hundreds of years of free labor, and our ransacked continent, built all the wealth of the Western World.
So, they:
* pushed this "V" super hard in the Black community,
* earmarked this Atrazine drenched food and products for delivery to our communities,
* poisoned this younger generation's minds with a steady diet of satanic music,guns and demonized drugs, to the point where, in just ONE generation,we can't even communicate, and have an entirely different value system (making it near impossible to build from generations past)...
* and have manipulated us to fight for abortion when PLANNED PARENTHOOD was CREATED, in the first place, to reduce our ranks and gradually EXTERMINATE us from this country! (See article below. It's common knowledge(.
Haven't you EVER wondered why, after 500 years here, we're still only 12 MEASELY PERCENT, with a majority of THOSE tied to the penal system? While everyone ELSE has come here and grown???
And, NOW the push for our abortions is EXTRA important, because fetal tissue is a key ingredient in the V! As well as in stem cell therapies for wealthy whites.
So, yes, Black folk... It's IMPORTANT to have you keep backing your guy, Biden, and keep fighting for your right to exterminate yourselves.
It's CRUCIAL to train you to "BE KIND" and celebrate your chemically induced gender dysphoria!
It's ESSENTIAL to scare you out of the church when the Black church, historically was the FOUNDATION of ALL our legislative advancement in this country! (But oh yeah! After the SUCCESS of The Civil Rights movement, LBJ imposed a law making it AGAINST THE LAW for churches to get involved in politics. This is the main reason nothing has been done to advance us since the Civil Rights Movement. But, Years later, The dude you HATE, Donald Trump, OVERTURNED that law and gave Black churches their political POWER back!
OF COURSE, they had to keep THAT quiet and turn you against HIM.... They already had a plan in place to SHUT DOWN the churches! And leave you shipwrecked and adrift in the plandemic.
Keep up the good fight, Black folk!
If Biden, and his partners in the alphabet community can keep using and manipulating US to fight THEIR battle, we should be extinct by 2030!
Bravo! 👏
You know why you don’t feel quite “right”? Why folk are depressed?… Angry… Can’t put a finger on it?… Why so many young people are on drugs… attempting and committing suicide?..
Your SPIRIT KNOWS when something is “off”, so it feels vexed.
Lies and manipulation are like PARASITES ON THE SOUL!
Only THE TRUTH makes you FREE and THE DEVIL is a LIAR and The FATHER OF LIES.
THIS CAMP that has woven this whole LYING NARRATIVE around you has you BOUND by The spirit of DELUSION.
ONLY JESUS REMOVES THE VEIL from your eyes so you can SEE. ONLY JESUS removes the bondage from your soul and makes you FREE!
Sadly, a lot of people who genuinely love The Lord, were COACHED into FEAR by weak leadership.
It’s time to read your Bible FOR YOURSELF.
It’s time to TURN OFF THE PROPAGANDA MACHINE of the television and start ASKING QUESTIONS. And digging for ANSWERS!
The Bible warned that in these days, men would call GOOD… BAD. And BAD…GOOD.
It’s happening.
And there is a REASON why there is SUCH a concerted effort to get everyone in the world thinking only ONE WAY… liking ONLY who they want you to like… hating ONLY who they want you to hate…. BEING SILENT ABOUT THINGS THAT GRIEVE YOUR SOUL!!!
And, it’s not for your good. EVEN THOUGH they’ve got “everyone” under a hypnotic “GROUP THINK”… REACTING to key NAMES AND BUZZ WORDS, LIKE PAVLOV’S DOGS.
It’s STILL not for your good.
You’ll just blindly march into the death chambers TOGETHER.
But you don't have to.
"There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end is the way of death," Prov. 14:12. But JESUS is THEE WAY. THEE TRUTH. AND THE LIFE!
And only by pressing into HIM can the TRUTH be revealed to you. Jesus reveals "The hidden things". -- Daniel 2:22 .
Your SPIRIT knows you are being lied to. This isn't a movie.
You CAN handle The Truth.
Monday, March 27, 2023
Eddie was afflicted with Cancer but was doing pretty good until he was convinced to "go get your treatments". Then, there was suffering. Either way, he was ready because he KNEW his place in The Lord.
His battle coincided with my battle fighting for my mother and I lost touch. When she transitioned, I caught a bad cold and went through all kinds of things around HER passing, so when I finally started to emerge, last week, it started pressing on me to "call Eddie". But it was always late at night, when my mind starts retreating from the events of the day.
It was always too late at night, and the next day, I'd be off to the races again with the events of the NEXT day! "Oh Martha, you are busy with too many things!" Jesus warned.
Then, yesterday, I got a text from a mutual friend that he passed.
I stopped my car in the middle of the street and had to pull over. I sobbed, which came in racks.
Eddie's Spirit was SO PURE! He memorized Scripture to recite to you, and you were always elevated and reminded of the POWER of the simple WORD OF GOD. Straight! No chaser.
Eddie adapted songs and inserted MORE Scripture In the breaks. He couldn't sing a lick, but his LOVE for The Lord, was so infectious that I would have him sing, especially his favorite song, "DO Lord, Remember Me", over and over.
Eddie told people about Jesus literally EVERYWHERE he went. The gas station, the grocery store, the bank... Even when developers put us out after buying our buildings and Eddie had to live in his truck for TWO YEARS, He STILL witnessed to people about Jesus EACH AND EVERY DAY! Once he got a nice little apartment just a block away from our old one, he STILL witnessed! Like Paul said in Philippians 4:12-13, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of BEING CONTENT IN ANY AND EVERY SITUATION, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
That literally was Eddie.
He was the most guileless, faithful servant I knew.
In fact, I first met Eddie DURING that whole Developer debacle. I was standing on the sidewalk outside of my building in California, talking to a neighbor-- an older white woman named, Sue, about what was going on.
Developers had come and purchased almost our whole side of the street, including my building and hers next door, and had given us all notice to move.
One of our neighbors, a Senior Citizen, and long term resident, had a heart attack and died from the shock and stress. Other neighbors, with children, were trying to figure out how to afford someplace else. MY rent was about to triple to L.A. "market rate"! We were all contemplating our next move.
Eddie came walking down the street toward us. Honestly, we thought he might be homeless, because he wasn't "fancy" and frankly, except for the African lawyers across the street, I was one of only a few Black people I'd seen on that block in nine years!
But it turned out Eddie lived in Sue's building! When he approached us though, he didn't join us in talking about these evil developers. Eddie started asking us if we knew JESUS. I was immediately convicted that I wasn't on top of MY game like this. The Holy Spirit was IN him so fully, that witnessing about Jesus Christ was as natural to him as breathing!
He invited us to his church, and Sue and I decided to go. I picked her up that Sunday... way back in something like 2007... and to this day, Sue is a member. What's more... over the years, Sue became ill and debilitated, and Eddie would go to her house regularly and help take care of her! Even after he took ill with Cancer! He'd go take her garbage out for her, bring her food, and just HELP her because that was his HEART! He had a servant's HEART.
He was helping ME move the day we all heard the news that Michael Jackson died. Eddie was helping another friend carry my sofa up a difficult, twisty staircase, when the newsflash came on. I immediately started crying. Everyone had to stop what we were doing. We were all so distraught that we couldn't finish the move. I kept the UHaul for another day, and when I explained to them, what had happened, the clerk COMPLETELY understood. He too, had yet to get over the shock. He didn't even charge me.
This picture of me and Eddie was at a pancake house on our way to Disneyland. Eddie was taking me there for my birthday. 😥 A birthday he NEVER forgot. I could count on him to call me each and every September 7th, no matter how far away I moved, no matter how long I'd been gone.
I. Loved. Eddie!
And, I don't cry now because I don't know he truly IS in a better place, WITHOUT A DOUBT, but I cry because "that still small voice" kept telling me to call him and I allowed "life" to keep distracting me to forget!
And, now he's gone. And, I won't hear him recite me Scripture anymore. I won't hear him sing anymore. I wasn't able to pray with him and tell him again how much I loved him. I wasn't there to recite HIM Scripture and sing for HIM to try to ease his pain as he slipped out of his body. What if that "still small voice" was him calling me from across the miles?!
My Eddie. My dear friend and brother, Eddie. You Blessed so many with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And you Blessed ME with a real and enduring friendship and genuine love.
You were the REAL DEAL and while I do cry for MY loss, and I am sobered by the FACT that I've got a lot of catching up to do in MY witnessing, I am SO happy that God, in His infinite Grace, decided it was time to pull you into His REST.
I love you and you helped craft the BEST parts of me and my walk with our Saviour.
It is time for me to step up.
God, thank You for the gift of Salvation. Thank You for the gift of your faithful servant. To say, "Please take care of him," would be ridiculous. I know that, but that is my prayer. Please take good care of my friend.
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Apparently, The sun, that God put up in the Heavens as His first order of Creation, is now just in Bill Gates' way. In fact, GOD is in Bill Gates' way! And, He just needs to step down so Bill Gates can take over!
Let's just call a spade a spade. Bill Gates and a handful of mega billionaires are trying to:
1. Reduce the population (He's always been open about doing so with vaccines), destroy the food supply (he is already driving farmers out of business and buying up millions of acres of farmland, worldwide-- with the help of Monsanto and the IMF)
2. Then provide their own "fake food", genetically engineered to be compatible with the re-engineered genes this Vax therapy is achieving
3. Once he can reflect the sun away from the earth, millions more will die, not only from the crop failures, but the depletion of Vitamin D which is the "joystick" of all your other nutrients! (They've been doing this, to a lesser, though still dangerous degree with chem trails, which also reflect the sun back into the sky with aluminum particles.
4. And once they (Gates, Musk, Branson, and their billionaire cabal) get the world all broken down, weakened, programmed, trackable, and dependent, they think they're going to beam up to their utopian Mars colony and run the world they ransacked through drones, satellites and other emerging technologies.
This is a COMPLETELY satan directed scheme. His last ditch effort to establish his eternally failed attempts at supremacy over God. He knows he's only got one last shot before Jesus returns, so he's SCRAMBLING, with his billionaire footsoldiers, to try to establish his throne for his emerging, but short and futile reign.
These demonic oligarchs KNOW Wormwood is coming. They THINK, with their wealth and power, they can control and escape it. Indeed, they are playing their part to bring it to pass! But there is no escaping the wrath of God. "Riches do not profit in the day of wrath. Only RIGHTEOUSNESS (through Christ Jesus) delivers from death." -- Prov 11:4
The showdown is shaping up! Who's side will you be on? Jesus FINISHED it on the Cross, SECURED our victory, and the end is already written. WE WIN! JESUS is THEE Way, THEE Truth,and THEE Life. Choose the WINNING side. NOW! 👊✊️💪🙏
Friday, March 17, 2023
Artwork, unknown
Poem, BROWN ANGEL Copyright. Rayel, 2000. All Rights Reserved.
Brown Angel, new to flight.
Unused to his wings.
Awkward, crawling, walking... dreaming of soaring.
Can see it!
In the light that falls on him...
that Calls him to keep trying.
Assures him that one day he'll be flying.
So he prays.
Sometimes afraid of what life will be like in the sky.
No longer groundbound, the day he can fly.
And, his wings, moist from newbirth, protectedly fold
on his back, still unsure of the strength that they hold.
And with patience and love, God smiles on His son,
And whispers through sunlight on His special Loved One.
"Come now. I've got you. I won't let you fall.
It's ok if you stumble. It's ok if you crawl.
Just know that I've given you wings that can hold you.
Through storms and strong winds, I'm the Potter that molds you.
And my work isn't done, and I know you're afraid,
But RISE UP my son! See the work that I've made!
The strength of your wings, I built in each row,
Can hold you, can carry you to heights you don't know.
And your brown, lithesome limbs can carry the weight of your pain,
To deliver to MY altar, never to be bound again.
And your flight will be light, and you will finally see...
That you can fly.
You can FLY!
...and you can trust Me."
Their land? They own most of "our" land too. Ever wonder why even in "nice" Black neighborhoods, the main streets, are still blighted by boarded up buildings and bootleg businesses? I'm told (not confirmed, but it was explained to me), that while we were allowed to buy HOUSES in neighborhoods during the "white flight", Jewish property owners held onto the COMMERCIAL real estate. So all kinds of "south side" main streets, are languishing and not feeding the economy of those communities.
Now, the reason why this makes sense to me is because when my Grandparents (born in 1910 and 1911), decided to go into business in the 1950's, they determined to OWN the property they operated out of. Nobody believed they could because Jewish people owned all the properties any black business operated out of (Think Cadillac Records). It was UNHEARD of that Black's could OWN the commercial property they operated out of!
But my Grandparents did it.
At some point, somehow, the building caught fire, and the all white fire department came on the scene and hosed down the PEOPLE who tried to put the fire out! They let the building burn to the ground!
The white INSURANCE COMPANIES refused to honor their CLAIM!
Because my Grandparents had helped SO MANY PEOPLE in the community, through their business, THE PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY, showed up with hammers, nails, bricks and fried chicken and literally BUILT THE BUSINESS BACK, BRICK BY BRICK!
And, because my Grandfather, had been the first Black Union President of Douglass Aircraft, during WWII, he strategically, persistently, eventually, got the insurance denial overturned and got the payout.
From there, they were able to expand their businesses, grow, and continue to help many people...
UNTIL, The Illinois Institute Of Technology determined to take my Grandparents' land for their expansion.
Among their tactics to do this, they sent Code Inspectors to come and trump up bogus code violations, and hauled my Grandmother off to jail EVERY WEEK.
UNTIL, my Grandfather eventually negotiated a deal to sell off The empire he and my Grandmother had built.
The notion of "selling out" among the Jewish population, is not quite like this so not quite applicable.
They get 100's of billions in reparations each and every day... TO this day, for the last SEVENTY YEARS... from Germany... Austria... France...The Dutch...The Swiss... Romania (NEW deal to pay in 2022!!)...
Presently, Israel is seeking $250 BILLION from 7 Arab countries and Iran for forcing them out IN 1948!...SOME of these BILLIONS are being demanded from Tunisia and Libya (African nations)... they get MILLIONS EACH day from America, through Political Action Committees (PAC Funds)... They have EVEN just THIS YEAR, been approved to receive BILLIONS in reparations for Holocaust victims in THE UKRAINE!
They have TEAMS of people who dedicate MONTHS and even YEARS of research to find historical reasons to seek reparations from different countries. They SEEM to just LOOK FOR countries who have "done them wrong" DECADES ago, to get billions from.
This is why they have the resources to build and own hospitals, nursing homes, establish and control entire industries, etc. etc. And, gratefully, some have been very good stewards of these trillions of dollars, benefitting mankind, in general. But, a big part of that success is tied to a rock solid, unbroken connection to their HERITAGE.
When I was a child in a high-school exchange program, I was amazed to experience a high-school in a wealthy, Jewish community, where Hebrew was a REQUIREMENT! Students HAD TO take Hebrew classes DAILY! This maintenance of their LANGUAGE, maintains their CULTURE, which maintains their UNITY, which maintains their forward ADVANCEMENT.
And every, single, Jewish child, under the age of 18, can travel to Israel ANYTIME, for FREE under the "Birthright" program (One young lady told me that there really is NO age limit! In her 20's she can still go anytime she wants!)
Do you see how the term "selling out " doesn't quite fit?
My GRANDPARENTS were forced to "sell out" under threat of death! And WE have to reinvent the wheel over and over with ZERO reparations (which every "defeated" people get after a war... Japan... China... Korea... all economic POWERHOUSES now as a result of reparations... Yugoslavia, Greece, The Soviet Union... Burma... Indonesia... the list goes on and on. BILLIONS.
Yet, we have been victims of a hundreds year old war, THROUGHOUT the diaspora! And so many were party to it! Sephardic Jewish people owned many of the slaveships... Indians were the middlemen... Some African tribes hunted and delivered the slaves... The Portuguese STARTED the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade....The Papalcy condoned it.... MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Africans were piled on ships and sold off throughout North, South, Central and Latin Americas... all the British, Dutch and French Colonies... The West Indies... then WALKED across hundreds of miles to the different plantations in different states and parishes... our homeland (Africa) raided and ravaged of EVERY, SINGLE, VITAL NATURAL RESOURCE KNOWN TO MAN (Why do you think there is so much blight and starvation in Africa?... Because the rest of the world cut it up like a cake and bled it dry!)
Even if our reparations were tied to the COMMODITIES EXCHANGE for all the COTTON we picked in America... SUGAR CANE in the islands... PORK BELLIES for all the livestock we raised as slaves and sharecroppers... even if we just got ROYALTIES from COMMODITIES, that would be FARRRR less than we deserve, because, as the theft of my Grandparents illustrates, the thefts didn't end on "Juneteenth".
BUT, it would be a START at moving us from the perennial cycle of slavery we are still in.
Does this answer your question?OUR FOOD CHANGING OUR SEXUALITY AND OUR VOICES?? 😮 **VIDEO**
"Coincidentally", our students know nothing of our history either and this push for "Critical race theory" is a Trojan Horse to slip in the alphabet community's sexual redirection agenda.
So, we have young people ALL OVER THE WORLD who are being brought up with NO concept of history, because it will make them easier to mold and control.
This is DEEP! Could be the most eye opening 5 minutes you will take this year! WATCH & SHARE!
I cannot believe that so many people watched this all out Grammy salute to satan and applauded it. I wouldn't watch it because I already knew what was up, but come on people!!! Please watch this to throw light on what you've been entranced by.
Today's fashion, apparently is naked. THIS, ironically, in the wake of the "ME TOO" movement, demanding men not "objectify" them, and even MORE ironically, while women are getting "naked-er and naked-er", men are getting "gay-er and gay-er". So, what is the point???
What do you want? You want men to NOT see you as a sex object while you run around LITERALLY butt naked... and you want to vilify "toxic masculinity", emasculating men, while you entice... who?
GOD is not the author of confusion.
The Serpent is using Eve again.
So, overall, Ciara is just part of her peer group's confusion. Doing her part to send out mixed signals, after making allllll that big deal about being a Christian and she and Russell remaing "celibate" before marriage.
"I'm Christian." (But I'm dressed like a High priced Call Girl)....
" I prayed for my husband." (But my new song tells young women, they don't need a man! Be a boss and just get the bag...)
"I'm a mother of three, including TWO boys" ( who are getting thoroughly messed up in the head seeing their mother naked, let alone, in PUBLIC), and a daughter who is learning what from this dual lifestyle?
So, I think this outfit is for her bedroom for "the husband she prayed for". Not the public.
Now, to be fair, I've been the "near naked" QUEEN almost all my life. Came up in the club days of Vanity 6, BUT... what is the POINT of leaving the house LITERALLY NAKED with a G-string??! Truly! And, are there NO boundaries on protecting your CHILDRENS healthy development anymore?
Like i said, shes a mother who's got SONS who are getting f'd up seeing their naked mother in PRIVATE, let alone in PUBLIC, and while I'm not on the boat with having to be covered up from the chin to the floor as a Christian, there are DEFINITE BOUNDARIES you should have that SHOULD prevent you from walking out the house butt naked-- EVEN IF THIS IS THE FASHION OF THE DAY.
THEY ALL looked ridiculous, EXCEPT for Ciara. In fact, Ciara looked beautiful! And, truly, Ciara probably couldn't resist showing them all that even as an older, mother of three, she's STILL BOSS and looking better than ALL of them (kudos girl! 😅💪), but like I used to tell my nephew, "Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD. You've got to be RESPONSIBLE with your POWER!
The STYLISTS are pushing this ratchet "fashion" craze right now. Even that piss poor interviewer of Hugh Grant was trying (miserably) to rock it. I can see how Ciara got swept up in it. The pressure and the flattery is hard to resist. But we depart from God, not by a tidal wave, but by a DRIFT. Subtly... gradually. We look up and we're a long way from shore.
Ciara is a professing "Christian" wife and mother who has been tremendously Blessed. Instead of SETTING the atmosphere in the room, she's adapting to it and that's a dangerous place to be.
But, at the same time I can relate! I STILL probably don't dress modestly enough for some Christians, myself! Especially in the summer! And, I remember back when I was her age, rollerblading on Venice Beach in a string bikini, holding court, promoting a charity!
When the crowd dispersed, someone lagged behind and said, "They didn't hear a word you said." 😅 In my naivete, I didn't even know what he was talking about! I never thought that my promoting a charity for underprivileged kids, while in a string bikini was a distraction! Lol! So, I get it. I really do. Even though bikinis are totally appropriate on a BEACH, actions always speak louder than words.
My parents were free spirits who raised me with the mantra that "there is nothing shameful about the human body". When I'd ask my mother to buy me one of the clearance swimsuits during our annual "Back to School" shopping trip, she'd indulge me and assure me, " There's no such thing as a too small swimsuit! Those white girls wear whatever they want and so can you!"
That's one of the things I loved about my mother. She even wanted me to GET MARRIED in a dress not too far off from this one! "Ma! I can't walk down the aisle of a CHURCH with my boobs all out!" She was so frustrated with me! "Girl, if I had your body, I'd be out there butt naked!" I had to fight her to cover up in CHURCH! My mother was Kris Kardashian before Kris Kardashian. I learned early on not to listen to her. 😄 I just didn't share her value system. SHE would have given that dress a standing ovation.
But, no son is supposed to see his mother naked like this, and she's got two of them. It messes up their heads.
Christian or not, but ESPECIALLY not Christian.
And what about her husband? IF he's actually attracted to her... HE'S got to concentrate all night NOT to get a hard on watching her prance around naked! THIS is a type of emasculation in itself! How good is that for your marriage?
Considering this is the "fashion" today, it's a tough call, but it's still disappointing. And, the scariest part of this "fashion" is that young women in ghettos everywhere are walking out the door in the "poor versions" of this: fishnet stockings, a thong, a T-shirt, and high heel boots.... Butt ALLL out, in dangerous neighborhoods, AFTER getting buzzed BEFORE hitting the clubs!
I "unfollowed" Ciara and her husband long ago-- after "Christian" Russell made a point to tweet his support for "Pride" month, following that gay dude streaking across the field during the Superbowl, butt naked!
Really, Russell? It's a bit suspicious to me why you'd use your clout to go out of your way to tweet your support of this blatant disrespect of YOUR profession... out of all the things you could support as a self professed, "Christian".
It's sad to me. A couple with so much potential to ELEVATE the culture, caving into it.
or maybe they're just dropping the charade with more revelations to come... 😥
I heard about this early tour! Don't blame him. I've seen them both live. Prince, multiple times.
Prince was the CONSUMMATE showman. Rick James got arrested for obscenity in Tallahasse, FL and banned from coming back. I was at that concert too. I fell to my KNEES in SHOCK at Rick James' show! 😄 So lewd! But, I had a GREAT time! 🤭
This was also around the time he got in trouble for holding some girl hostage. The hotel where it allegedly happened wasnt far from where I lived. I went over to see the news vans and reporters bustling around outside! I was hoping to get a glimpse of them bringing Rick out, but he was leading a standoff, refusing to come out of the room.
Kinda exciting. But kinda boring too. Just waiting around for him to come out. Lol
And, that was the biggest difference between them, though!
Rick, as brilliant and talented as he was, was living wild and UNDISCIPLINED. Coked up and taking his talents for granted.
PRINCE, on the other hand, was MILITARISTIC about HIS show! GRUELING rehearsals, every BEAT worked out to perfection, the choreography... Prince was DISCIPLINED and CONSTANTLY worked to PERFECT his talent.
HIS show defied NATURE! It was like a ROCKET launching into space, defying gravity, and NOTHING happenstance! Every, single, second of the show, obviously the fruit of TIRELESS WORK! Even the spontaneity was the fruit of hard work becoming second nature. Prince, and his crew, were a PHENOMENON!
He didn't just rely on "shock value" to entertain. He delivered finely honed CRAFTSMANSHIP within the CONTEXT of entertainment.
BOTH Rick AND Prince were BRILLIANT though! Don't get it twisted.
I will never forget Rick James on Nightline with Dan Rather, taking on the top Exec at MTV for not allowing Black artists on. He was more masterful, brilliant, articulate, and knowledgeable than Johnny Cochran, F. Lee Bailey and Rob Kardashian put together! He left BOTH that executive AND Dan Rather near SPEECHLESS with his case against the music industry and it's historic racism against and exploitation of Black artists.
He exposed how Warner Brothers had to THREATEN to take ALL of their artists off MTV if they didn't let Michael Jackson and Prince on, who were the biggest selling artists of all time, at that time!
It was, NO DOUBT, in large part, because of Rick James' WORLD CLASS exposition of the music industry and it's INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM, presented on this top rated, "legitimate", national newscast, that Prince and MJ were subsequently allowed on MTV and the world got introduced to the iconic "Thriller" video and more. We have RICK JAMES to thank for that.
Later, Prince would launch his own strike against how the industry robs and exploits Black artists, changing his name so the label couldnt use his new music, and brandishing the word, "slave" across his face, to protest the gargantuan inequities. What made him even MORE threatening, was that he was encouraging OTHER top Black artists to do the same!
And Michael Jackson would try to even the playing field by purchasing the Beatles catalogue and purchasing controlling interests in Sony. UNHEARD of, for a Black artist, even though MANY white artists own OUR catalogues.
For instance, Mick Jagger owns the catalogue, and all the publishing rights, of JAMES BROWN. Even though James Brown FAMOUSLY detested Jagger for how he was disrespected on the Rolling Stones tour.
But THOSE types of purchases are kept quiet. White people are SUPPOSED to own Black people, right? And, almost ALL of the big time junkie Rock and Rollers, of that age, are STILL ALIVE and looking as sage as Mt. Rushmore in the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame.
Even IGGY POP, who has looked like walking death, since the EIGHTIES, is still up, out, and performing!
Hmmnn... 🤔
But, MICHAEL JACKSON turned the table!.... And, that was BLASPHEMY. How dare he upset the "natural order" of things!
So, all of them are dead now.
After fighting for his publishing for 7 years, and finally securing them, Prince was dead within 3 months.
Each time the Beatles catalog came up for renewal, Michael would get hit with another child abuse allegation. Meanwhile, that "dying cancer kid" is still alive TO THIS DAY! Trying to launch a music career!
James Brown went into the hospital in Georgia, for something totally recoverable, and never came out. He left $115 million dollars to be used to educate poor children in Georgia.
To this day, NOT ONE DIME has gone to a single kid, or even his family! Politicians and the courts have presided over it. We can only guess where the money went.
Bill Cosby was "this close" to owning controlling interest in NBC when all of these women came out of the woodwork from over twenty years ago (THIS... AFTER his son was killed after his INITIAL attempt to buy the network). Of course, that barrage of accusations derailed THAT purchase.
Sam Cooke declined an "offer" to give up the publishing to his GOSPEL music! Suffice it to say he was not killed by some chick with a broom.
And, after that Nightline episode, even as a kid, I knew Rick's days were numbered. His recklessness made it too easy to erase HIS legacy.
But I know.
I know.
EVERYBODY in the music industry has some jacked up ways. EVERY industry where the money is so big, creates a cannibalistic feast.
But they gave us everything they had and helped create the images and the soundtrack to our best memories. For that, I love and appreciate them all.
Always will. ❤️
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Chelsea Handler is NOT "Happy"
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
In Christ NOW! (Spontaneous Thoughts) AUDIO
We Need A Black Community CSI (Spontaneous Thoughts) AUDIO
Leading The Leaders. The Formula For Workd Domination (Spontaneous Thoughts) AUDIO
Seeking A Sign (Spontaneous Thoughts) AUDIO
Turning You Into A Computer (Spontaneous Thoughts) AUDIO
My Thoughts On The January 6th Uprising (Spontaneous thoughts) ** VIDEO & AUDIO**
Soundcloud Audio.
Listen to Thoughts On The Jan 26 Trial.m4a by Rayel on #SoundCloud