President Biden said this week that "we are closer to Armageddon than at any time in history."
These are not idle words.
The "Leader of The Free World" does not use "idle words".
Armageddon is the last great battle (World War) between good and evil, prophesied in the Book Of Revelation, before The Day of Judgment-- BEFORE JESUS RETURNS. The name, Armageddon, comes from the Hebrew, "Har-Megiddo" (Mountain of Megiddo). It is located on the plain of Esdraelon, south of present day Haifa, in Israel.
President Biden said that the actions of Russian President Vladmir Putin, and his recent threats to employ nuclear weapons, in his invasion of Ukraine, has pushed the world closer to that great battle of Armageddon than ever before.
Ezekiel 38 and 39 prophesies about Gog of Magog, the Prince of Rosh. As well as Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, Persia, Libya...
Look at the above map.
Gog is a term for "Prince". Rosh is Russia. Thus, "The Prince of Russia". Meshech and Tubal were the sons of Japheth, one of the three sons of Noah. The descendants of Mechech are mainly Southern Russia and Ukraine And Tubal is modern day Turkey. This is EXACTLY where this world drama is unfolding.
When Armageddon happens, The Bible says the Kings of the earth will surround Israel. Luke 21:20 says that "when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, know that its desolation is near.
The Bible talks of FOUR KINGS in the Battle of Armageddon: THE KING OF THE NORTH IS RUSSIA. THE KING OF THE EAST IS CHINA. THE KING OF THE SOUTH IS EGYPT AND THE ARAB ISLAMIC FORCES (including Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya) THE KING OF THE WEST IS THE US & UK. (including Canada) and THIS King is to be LED BY THE ANTICHRIST, who will force all to take "The Mark of The Beast". All those resisting (if the Rapture doesn't happen first), will be decapitated. THE TARGET of these Kings is ISRAEL.
Now Ezekiel 38 tells of "people gathering from many nations to the mountains of Israel". These people will be targeted in this attack. This "gathering" is happening! "Jewish" people who were forced out of their ancient, ancestral homeland, during the "dispersion" are now returning to Israel, from all over the world! From Africa, Asia, The Americas, Latin America, Europe and Oceana! Ancestral Jews of different nationalities are returning "home", giving credence to the School of Thought that "a Jew" is not just what we have been taught a "Jew" looks like. And puts the warning in Revelation 3:9 about "Jews who say they are Jews but are not, but liars", into a whole new light.
So, what about Russia being "The King of The North"?
Look at the map.
MOSCOW THE CAPITAL OF RUSSIA, IS EXACTLY DUE NORTH OF MEGIDDO, WHERE ARMAGEDDON IS TO TAKE PLACE! The REASON Putin is so determined to take over CRIMEA (whether he knows it or not... HE might not know what he will ultimately do, but THE BIBLE does), is because it is PERFECTLY POSITIONED TO MAKE A DIRECT HIT ON ISRAEL! Its' southern border, on the Black Sea, gives them a straight shot to Megiddo, and as the Bible already warned, Turkey (Tubal) will be its ally. So, the fact that Turkey sits right between Crimea and Israel is significant.
** IT'S NO SMALL THING that Russia had a major setback just this past Saturday when the bridge to Crimea was blown up, disrupting Russia's supply line.**
I cannot stress how significant this all is.
But even though this is a REAL peril, I will say that the story is not as one sided as the press is showing us. Every situation has a history and Russia is really no more of a bad guy in this than the other "Super powers" of the world-- including us. They all have a role to play. Personally, I have a lot of love for both the Russian and Ukraine people. And, this is so much bigger than we have been led to believe. In another post, I will do a mini, historical breakdown of how Russia came to be in this position and how ALL the players line up, not only from the distance of BIBLICAL history, but from the more contemporary histories of World Wars 1 & 2.
But the Bottom Line is THIS:
***This is just ONE MORE of the Bible's End Times Prophesies unfolding before our very eyes.***
There are roughly 14 significant SIGNS ANNOUNCING CHRIST'S RETURN and THIS Russian invasion of Crimea is one of them.
I don't think you will disagree that the others are any less obvious.
1. WARS, VIOLENCE, AND THE INCREASE OF LAWLESSNESS (Cities all over the world are reducing penalties for serious crimes while stirring up mass discontent among the people. The upcoming "Purge Law" in Illinois... the closing of many Police Departments in California...) WARS, VIOLENCE AND VIOLENCE are definitely on the increase!
2. DROUGHT & FAMINE Everyday, we hear about "food shortages" now. But, grain silos are being blown up! Farmers are being run out of business! "Suicide genes" are being engineered into our seeds so they cannot reproduce! Our oceans are being SYSTEMATICALLY DESTROYED ON BOTH COASTS by massive oil "spills", chemical "leaks", and all manner of devastation and erosion. And Biotech giants like Bill Gates are buying up HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF ACRES OF FARMLAND to PREVENT FOOD PRODUCTION because he and his billionaire friends have invested billions in "fake food" to feed us!
3. EARTHQUAKES AND OTHER NATURAL DISASTERS Whether they are "The Hand of God" or strategic "weapons of mass destruction" by HAARP, we are seeing natural disasters not only UNLIKE any in history, but in PLACES never before touched in history!
4. DISEASE EPIDEMICS Again, whether "organic" or "manmade", they are already telling us there will be more and worse "plandemics" than the ones we are currently navigating.
5. THE RISE OF AN AGGRESSIVE FUNDAMENTALIST ISLAMIC POWER ISIS... The Taliban... Al Qaeda... Need I say more? And was it an ACCIDENT that our President, the one who is predicting "Armageddon", left BILLIONS in sophisticated world destroying weaponry in their hands, in Afghanistan?... Like I said, THE PLAYERS (Gates... Biden... Putin... The Taliban... are lining up... but GOD'S WORD WILL NOT RETURN VOID. It WILL come to pass JUST LIKE HE SAID, SO "CHOOSE ON THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE!... AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD!" -- Joshua 24:15
6. AN ASCENDANT EUROPEAN UNION SEEKS GLOBAL PRIMACY. Could it be NATO?.....Afterall, Putin's seemingly "senseless" invasion of Ukraine is actually an attempt to save his country from the surrounding encroachment of NATO allied countries, of which Russia is not a part. I'll go into more detail on this in a future post, but The NATO countries are unified in The New World Order Agenda being advanced in the world, while Putin is not totally onboard with that. Revelation 13 describes the revival of a great millitary power. A great beast with 7 heads and 10 horns. The ten horns represent the ten leaders of ten national regions. Is it coincidental that the world has been divided, geographically, into TEN REGIONS??? Africa, Asia, Central America, Eastern Europe, European Union, Middle East, North America, Oceania, South America, and the Caribbean. None of these were "known" in Bible times, thus, ANOTHER example that THE BIBLE IS THE INSPIRED WORD OF GOD!
7. A POWERFUL RELIGIOUS FIGURE LEADS A RELIGIOUS REVIVAL The Bible calls him "The False Prophet". He will have great charisma, great favor with the soon coming "Beast" (Anti-Christ), and ultimately, great influence over the masses-- inspiring them to follow and support the AntiChrist.
8. THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS PREACHED TO ALL NATIONS Thanks to the internet, we can, indeed, reach the entire world, with the ministry of REPENTANCE AND SALVATION THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. And, it's also exciting to see Christian television networks like TBN, opening more and more outlets around the world. The Gospel is spreading! Matthew 24:14 says, “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come. ... “ So, while ONE side of prophesy is being advanced-- Armageddon... THE OTHER SIDE of it-- The advancing of the Good News of Jesus Christ... is ALSO being advanced! DON'T WAIT! CHOOSE JESUS NOW and save your place in eternity. :-)
9. KILLED FOR YOUR FAITH IN JESUS It's hard to believe in "The land of the free", we will lose our "religious freedom", but we are already giving up our rights out of fear and growing tyranny. Today, all around the world, people are being HOLOCAUSTED for professing their faith in Jesus Christ! MILLIONS! In the not so distant future, IN AMERICA, OUR FAITH WILL AGAIN BECOME A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH. Matthew 24:9 warns that "in those days, they will deliver you up... to be killed. And, Revelation 12:17 and 14:12, also warn that persecution of Christians is also a sign of the times. While we watch so MANY of our most fundamental rights being taken from us, DO KNOW that the matter or our FAITH will become one of them. But, "STAND AND SEE THE SALVATION OF THE LORD."-- Ex 14:13.
10: JERUSALEM IS ATTACKED. We are watching the ramp up NOW.
11. THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION When Jerusalem is attacked and conquered, the foreign occupying power will do what the Bible calls, "The Abomination of Desolation". This will be an unholy idol set up in a holy place.
12. THE COLLAPSE OF ENGLISH-SPEAKING NATIONS-- THE GREAT TRIBULATION In America, alone, over 2 million "illegal" immigrants a year have been allowed to trespass the MEXICAN BORDER ALONE! Not to mention all the other countries of the world, including European migrants. In some AMERICAN CITIES, English is ALREADY a second language! This is just the TIP of the iceberg.
13. HEAVENLY SIGNS AND THE DAY OF THE LORD Back to Luke 21:25-28: "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."
THE SKIES ARE TALKING! THERE IS A REAL SIGNIFICANCE IN THE TIMING OF THESE BLOOD MOONS WE HAVE SEEN IN RECENT YEARS. Not to mention the rare planetary alignments that have been in the news. God uses the SKY as a BLACKBOARD to write out his GAMEPLANS! They are NOT just cool spectator events!
And, 14. THE SEVEN DEADLY PLAGUES After the first six seals of Revelation 6 are opened, "The great day of His WRATH has come, and who is able to stand?" -- Rev 6:17 The seventh seal, containing the seven plagues, will be God's direct punishment on a rebellious world. This consists of the seven trumpet plagues described in chapters 8 and 9 of Revelation. Finally, in Rev 11:15, "The Seventh Trumpet" is sounded. AND CHRIST RETURNS IN POWER AND GLORY! But even in His magnificent return, the multitudes under the spell of "The Great Deception prophesied in 2 Thes 2:3-12, will fight and curse Him. DO NOT BE ONE OF THOSE!
So, what do we do?
The Bible tells us to "WATCH AND PRAY that we do not fall into temptation."-- Matt 26:41. STUDY to show yourself approved. Get into The Word of God so you can start looking at current events through the lens of Biblical Prophesy.
It's simple.
If you have read this and gotten a cold chill of recognition that these 14 SIGNS truly ARE happening RIGHT NOW... that is the HOLY SPIRIT CONFIRMING THAT THE BIBLE IS A TRUE LIVING WORD AND JESUS REALLY IS THE SOON COMING MESSIAH!
Simply tell God you're sorry for your sins. Tell Him you now BELIEVE Jesus is His Son. That He died for you and is coming back. And, ASK HIM to be the Lord (Leader) of your life.
And, Hallelujah! You are now SAVED.
Then grow to renew your MIND.
Tune in here and other Bible Based ministries where the Word of God is taught.
Find a good CHURCH, because fellowship (and Baptism) is important. Baptism is part of receiving the POWER of your Salvation. (Even JESUS made sure He got Baptised!)
Get yourself an easy to read Study Bible. One of my favories is the American Standard version, I also like "The Story", which tells the Bible in the form of a continuous novel.
And, TALK TO GOD! That's all prayer is. A conversation with God. And, learn some scripture because God really loves it when you repeat His Words to Him. (And the devil HATES it. It's GOD'S WORD that makes the devil flee).
By the way, if you are IN CHRIST, you don't have to worry about all that's going on because you know where you're going! The more time you spend with God, the better you will recognize His leadings and obey them. Obeying God, ALWAYS gives you the best result because HE knows what's ahead. And, HE can position you to avoid maladies that might befall everyone BUT you, if you listen and obey.
So, in the days ahead, just PRESS IN.
Don't get obsessed with the news. Get obsessed with The Word and time with God, "and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will comfort your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."-- Phil 4:7
I love you and GOD LOVES YOU MORE!
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