Saturday, September 14, 2019

My Girl, Chelsea

I love Chelsea Handler.  I literally remember the very first time I saw her.  I was walking past the t.v. late one night,  and was stopped cold by this pretty, blonde, utterly expressionless  white woman, saying the funniest, bawdy and biting things but with no apparent connection to ANYTHING.  Not her words.  Not the audience.   Not her own beauty..... but she was HILARIOUS!  I knew I had stumbled upon the launching of a star but it was like some kind of optical illusion!   The anger roiling inside her was so clear to me, it was like seeing a ghost no one else could see. "Man!" I thought as I stood there.  "This is probably the angriest white woman I've ever seen! She's so LOADED with rage!"  But I... like so many other millions... instantly connected to her.  Maybe because I suspected that she could ALWAYS see the hypocrisies of the world and had spent a lifetime trying not to.  She is, after all, a brilliant woman.

  Beauty. Boldness. Brilliance.... yeah.  I'm totally Team Chelsea.

 Since then, I think I've read EVERY one of her books, over the years, and laughed my butt off.

 Her LAST book, however,  "Life Will Be The Death Of Me", was surprisingly introspective!  Though characteristically funny and sarcastic, Chelsea very candidly takes us along through her reluctant dive into therapy and allows us to discover WITH her, her previously unexamined life.

Ya know,  Socrates said that, "an unexamined life is not worth living".  Chelsea has clearly decided to take this seriously.

  In the past,  she's taken us with her through her bedroom romps, drug trips,  and it's abundantly clear to me that only Jesus can give her the wholeness she's seeking (and I pray that for her), but COURAGE and HONESTY are definitely two things Chelsea has NEVER lacked. And THAT'S what makes me love her.

This documentary is typical, passionate,  headstrong, Chelsea (who another female comedian hilariously labeled,  "The Martin Luther King of Drunk White Blondes"-- That has got to be one of the funniest lines I've ever heard in MY LIFE! LOL... but I digress)

So anyway, In one of her interviews, years back, she recounted an injustice her Black driver experienced.   She was genuinely, visibly shaken to her CORE about how he would be subjected to that, and even more so, how she could be so oblivious to it.  She vowed to him and herself that she would fight this systemic racism, and when Donald Trump got in office, her rage went into overdrive.

 Hell hath no fury like a woman whose Black Driver is scorned.

But it's bigger than that, because CHELSEA is bigger than that. Her therapist identified her as "lacking empathy". This documentary is clearly the fruit of that.  Chelsea taking the bull by the horns to not only put herself in other's shoes, but making others, with the luxury of oblivion, do so too!  USING  her "white privilege" to strike some heroic blow at it.

You GOTTA love Chelsea! I'm gonna get Netflix just to see it!... and Dave Chappelle's "Sticks and Stones" too! Way to use your STAR POWER! :-D