Thursday, December 2, 2021


Another school shooting. 😢😔 I feel so much frustration for those children who were subjected to it, and definitely for the families of those lost. The news said TWO different teachers had JUST met with his parents AGAIN earlier that day!!! OBVIOUSLY, there were glaring signs long before this. If you've never seen this movie, "WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN", you really should. If you are discerning and really pay attention, there are SOOOO many lessons in it. This movie is HAUNTING. The seeds of these tragedies are sown wayyyyy back... wayyyyy deep. And they are SPIRITUAL. They must be identified and dealt with EARLY in a TAILORED way. Not every situation is the same... so while some legislation must be put in place that doesn't make you " WAIT until they do something", you can't just impose some kind of "blanket legislation", like the "thought police", either. And, ultimately, THE WORD OF GOD never returns void: "The sins of the fathers WILL be returned upon the sons." There are SPIRITUAL LAWS that WILL be carried out REGARDLESS of whether or not you know or believe they exist. Laws that MUST be respected. In this movie, while it probably wasn't their intent, it CLEARLY illustrated those laws in affect. I noticed this too, in the book, "A Beautiful Boy". As soon as I read that the parents were atheists, that explained their son's whole drug addiction. If YOU are DEFIANTLY given over to an "anti-God" lifestyle, you GIVE PERMISSION for satan to lay claim to your child. Period. You can argue and "not believe" all you want. You can "not believe" in gravity either. But, I dare you to jump off a roof. GET YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER by making a RELATIONSHIP with Jesus the cornerstone of your family. I'm not talking just church. I'm talking about getting to KNOW Him... intimately through His Word, His Ways, welcoming HIS PRESENCE into your home and as the HEAD of your family. When your child is CONCEIVED, even in that CONCEPTION, a CHOICE is made. It's like picking a basketball team. Satan is on one side and Jesus is on the other. They BOTH want your child on their team. Who are you going to give him or her to? The good news, though, is that even if your child WAS claimed by satan, by DEFAULT, because of YOUR sin or AMBIVALENCE (Remember... NO choice IS a choice for the devil), you still have ENORMOUS POWER, as the head of your household to CLAIM (or RECLAIM) your child for Jesus Christ, who is THE ONLY NAME satan and his minions fear. YOU can't do it, but JESUS can. But you have to love your child more than your pride, to ask Him to.

Sunday, October 10, 2021


I don't usually put other's post on my Blog, but it's worth it. REAL WORD from somebody who KNOWS Jesus. Not just know ABOUT Him. There's no other way to be today. LISTEN & LIVE!

Saturday, October 9, 2021


I have to say... In my "multiple decades" on this planet, I have been called the "N" word more times than I can count.  And not by folk that look like me that put an "a" at the end....  

I have had a double barreled shotgun put to my head for being the wrong color in the wrong neighborhood...

And, when I was coming up, NOBODY was more virulently racist and hateful than the little gay white male clerks in the downtown department stores.  

IN FACT... Black people couldn't even work in the FRONT of those stores when I was in COLLEGE!  When I got a summer job after my Freshman year, at Chicago's Marshall Fields, I had to work, in a tiny little storage area, IN THE BACK, wrapping fur coats, in the fur salon.

STILL, I was always complimented on the EXCELLENCE with which I wrapped those gifts, because I do EVERTHING the way I would want things done for ME.

One time, a lady (who doesn't look like me), came in and demanded her money back for a diamond bracelet she had LOST!  The same gay white male store clerks who called me "the n word" with every glare, gave her her money back with effusive apologies.

These are just a FEW grains from the veritable SILO of indignities that Dave Chapelle is talking about when he says that the alphabet community is ready to DESTROY people for their "hurt feelings", while WE have had to suck up everything. up to, and including MURDER.

But, to give equal time to the reality that EVERYBODY does some f'd up stuff, I want to remind us that WE do some horrible things to EACH OTHER too.  I've had more than my fair share of figurative knives in my back from my own, and the alphabets have been notoriously ruthless among their own too.

The problem though is, DESPITE centuries of lynchings, draggings, rapes, and institutionally sanctioned tortures of Blacks, the concept of a  LEGALLY prosecutable "Hate Crime" was NEVER passed, until it came to the alphabets.

And with this new baton in hand, many of them weaponized it-- STARTING fights, PROVOKING conflict, then THREATENING to LIE that they were victims of Hate Crimes. (Think Jussie Smollett.  He got off because he is not alone).

I don't "worship" Dave Chappelle.  He's hilarious and brilliant, but I already have a Savior named Jesus Christ, so my perspective is LIGHT YEARS bigger.  In fact, the REAL reason they created this new fearful term, "Transphobic", is this:

This whole chaotic conversation is just a forerunner of a MUCH more nefarious agenda.

This is TEXTBOOK Social Engineering.

I hardly watch TV and I don't have cable.  But I am actually going to GO OUT OF MY WAY to get Netflix JUST TO WATCH THE DAVE CHAPELLE SPECIAL, because now, I DEFINITELY have to hear him for myself.

As for you alphabets, If I had to develop thick skin... then YOU b@#&es need to TOO!

As for everybody else... they run the media and are TRAINING YOU to adopt their cause... give them your children... and allow them to pimp YOUR pain.


Break the spell they've got you under!



Thursday, September 30, 2021

Leading The Leaders


Listen to Leading The Leaders.m4a by Rayel on #SoundCloud

Still Seeking A Sign?


Listen to Seeking A Sign?.m4a by Rayel on #SoundCloud

Turning You Into A Computer


Listen to Turning You Into A Computer.m4a by Rayel on #SoundCloud

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Recommended Book: Ida B. The Queen by Michelle Duster

Ok, NOW I'm really enjoying the Biography of the Great, Journalist and Anti-lynching Activist, Ida B. Wells, written by my fellow Whitney Young Alum, and Great Grandaughter of Wells, Michelle Duster.

 EVERYONE should read this book!   And, since the U.S. Citizenship Exam strategically excludes ALL of our history, I advocate the history chronicled, In THIS book, be INCLUDED and REQUIRED for passing. --There is an AMAZING TIME LINE included in this book, by the way, that could STAND ALONE as a condensed history lesson, if you never read anything else! 

 Of course, no exam whatsoever is being required THESE days, but if there were only three books that I think should be REQUIRED reading for EVERYONE, to more fully tell the American Story, I would chose: "The Peculiar Institution", by Kenneth Stampp, which lays out the institution of American Slavery... 

THIS book, "Ida B. Wells", by her Great Grandaughter, Michelle Duster, which drawn, in part, from the actual journals of Ida B. Wells, brings to life the grueling reality of the "quasi" slave systems, and "domestic terrorism" during "Reconstruction".... 

 And Coretta Scott King's Autobiography, "Coretta: My Life My Love, My Legacy".  If you want the REAL DEAL inside info on just HOW MUCH sacrifice was made and how much terrorism was endured to secure these "inalienable rights" during that decade long REVOLUTION, we politely call, "The Civil Rights Movement"... THIS is your book. 

 THREE BOOKS that most succinctly elucidate each of the three eras of our existence after arriving on these shores.

I would also recommend a good book on The Middle Passage.  And Zora Neale Hurston, an Anthropologist by training, wrote a very interesting and only recently published book, "Barracoon", that shed light on the slave trade from the African shores. "Barracoon" drew from interviews with a surviving slave.

But, for now, I'm going to get back to this audio book of Ida B. Wells. It's also narrated by Michelle, by the way!

Hey Michelle! Thank you so much for stepping up so fiercely to preserve your Great Grandmother's legacy for ALL of us!

Peace & Power

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

A Super STARR 🤗


I just HAD TO share this baby!

She's all grown up now (at 20).  But this was when she was still a LITTLE Twinkling Starr capturing hearts and hopes. 😇🌠

This shoulda been the "Official Video" for the song!

Throwback POWER


A Facebook Friend posted this throwback pic of him and his Grandmother on their way to church back in the day.  Today, he's a successful Black man, in no small measure, due to this kind of love

I felt so much love and longing from this pic that i had to save it... reflect on it... speak on it.


 It was Grandma's like this who kept us, as a community, from going totally off the rails.

This pic represents almost everyone on this thread, who came up, got an education, and went forward into the world with confidence,  and HOPE.

Grandma's strength.

Grandma's love.

Grandma's prayers.

Hairweaves destroyed ALL that. (Funny/not Funny)

R Kelly Found Guilty. Aren't WE too?

Following the news this week of  Singer, R. Kelly being found guilty of racketeering, sex trafficking, forced labor and sexual exploitation of a child, Black folks were, as usual all over the internet with their memes and jokes.

Of course, I had to speak on it.


There are no winners here. 

 We make a joke out of EVERYTHING, but deal with NONE of our community issues.

When I was on the radio in LA, talking about not buying his music, to  hold him accountable, after his "pee tape" came out, ... you all rolled  your eyes and kept bumping to his beats.  NONE of you cared about that girl.  NONE of you!

You stood by him because you liked the beats... same with all these rappers leading a holocaust in our neighborhoods.

Now... what?... 20 years after the FIRST... PUBLIC PEDOPHILIA event that you all ignored,  NOW you want to crack jokes?  Perhaps if we had held them accountable YEARS AGO, we wouldn't now have so much devastation to joke about.

But even deeper, let's look inside the machinery of Big Business.  WHEREVER there is big money made, those on the inside, at best, look the other way.

I remember hearing that Kelly owed one of his handlers money and essentially said "f you".  THAT'S when his underaged proclivity first got leaked out.

That would mean that "his people" and ALL of "the people" of Big money makers know what's going on long before somebody gets pissed off and leaks the news.

So, in this case, the insiders looked the other way, for years, because they were making money... and when it got out, WE looked the other way because we liked the groove.

Then, once THE SYSTEM shuts it down, all we can do is JOKE about it instead of truly looking at the toll it's taken.  The carnage.  

This is why things only get worse and worse for us.

We are Soooo far away from our GOD SELVES that we don't even see the sanctity of our CHILDREN anymore!

If all you can do is JOKE right now, you Don't need to be looking OUTside at ANYTHING.  We really need to be looking at OurSELVES.



I had to say this to someone who thinks we have to choose Faith OR Science. NOT SO.


SCIENCE DOES NOT CLASH WITH FAITH! God IS the "Intelligent designer"! Science CONFIRMS the existence of GOD! There is nothing RANDOM in the entire universe! There is harmony and synergy among EVERY SINGLE THING IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH BECAUSE GOD CREATED IT SO! 

"Intelligent" doctors and scientists say the more they learn, the less they can understand how ANY doctor or scientist can deny the existence of God! In fact, as one renowned Astrophysisist put it, "The likelihood that life was created randomly is about the same as the likelihood that a hurricane could blow through a junkyard and create a Boeing 707."


Science CONFIRMS the Bible!

 Example! God created woman from the "womb" of man BECAUSE men DO have all the genetic material to produce life alone.

Science is just DISCOVERING what God already established!

Its not God's INTENTION for man to make a life alone, but he can and he did at the beginning.

Every single thing in the Bible, no matter how extraordinary or "supernatural" has been CONFIRMED by Science. By Forensic Anthropologists, Geneticists, Astronomers, Doctors, Historians, and all manner of "Scientists"! 

Its just that many are trying to use their discoveries to take the Glory AWAY from God and take the PLACE of God. But the FACTS are that SCIENCE has already weighed in and CONFIRMED THE SOVEREIGNTY, THE BRILLIANCE, THE VERACITY, AND OMNIPOTENCE OF GOD AND HIS WORD!

Years back, The Discovery Channel did an AWESOME three part scientific and historical investigation called, "Jesus: The Complete Story". (Hard to find now. Here's a copy.

 There is ALSO an amazing video by Lou Giglio called, "How Great Is Our God".

 I recommend watching both of these, at least. Christianity can defend itself! It doesnt need to cower from "Science" and it is not just for the feebleminded. It can prove itself to the unlearned AND the highly learned. Please stop saying there is a clash! 

If you agree, please SHARE!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

IN Christ NOW!

 Listen to IN Christ NOW.m4a by Rayel on #SoundCloud

We don't have to wait.  We are IN CHRIST, right NOW!

Black Community CSI


Listen to Black Community CSI.m4a by Rayel on #SoundCloud

We need to get to the root and get back to basics.

Where Yo A&& Was At?

Listen to Where Yo A%% Was At.m4a by Rayel on #SoundCloud

Law Enforcement Agencies are now accessing ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RECORDS and using "Predictors" like being from a Single Family Household, to send police to your house REGULARLY, IN ADVANCE on any crime committed!

Better parent your kids before the system does...

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Got Vision? Expect Rejection.


You can't get where God is taking you without a fallout along the way.  Expect it and keep pressing.

Listen to this 15 minute message and be encouraged! 😎

Listen to Got Vision.  Expect Rejection .m4a by Rayel on #SoundCloud