Saturday, March 18, 2023


Bill Gates is backing a massive project to turn the sun down.

Apparently, The sun, that God put up in the Heavens as His first order of Creation, is now just in Bill Gates' way. In fact, GOD is in Bill Gates' way! And, He just needs to step down so Bill Gates can take over!

Let's just call a spade a spade. Bill Gates and a handful of mega billionaires are trying to:

1. Reduce the population (He's always been open about doing so with vaccines), destroy the food supply (he is already driving farmers out of business and buying up millions of acres of farmland, worldwide-- with the help of Monsanto and the IMF)

2. Then provide their own "fake food", genetically engineered to be compatible with the re-engineered genes this Vax therapy is achieving

3. Once he can reflect the sun away from the earth, millions more will die, not only from the crop failures, but the depletion of Vitamin D which is the "joystick" of all your other nutrients! (They've been doing this, to a lesser, though still dangerous degree with chem trails, which also reflect the sun back into the sky with aluminum particles.

4. And once they (Gates, Musk, Branson, and their billionaire cabal) get the world all broken down, weakened, programmed, trackable, and dependent, they think they're going to beam up to their utopian Mars colony and run the world they ransacked through drones, satellites and other emerging technologies.

This is a COMPLETELY satan directed scheme. His last ditch effort to establish his eternally failed attempts at supremacy over God. He knows he's only got one last shot before Jesus returns, so he's SCRAMBLING, with his billionaire footsoldiers, to try to establish his throne for his emerging, but short and futile reign.

These demonic oligarchs KNOW Wormwood is coming. They THINK, with their wealth and power, they can control and escape it. Indeed, they are playing their part to bring it to pass! But there is no escaping the wrath of God. "Riches do not profit in the day of wrath. Only RIGHTEOUSNESS (through Christ Jesus) delivers from death." -- Prov 11:4

The showdown is shaping up! Who's side will you be on? Jesus FINISHED it on the Cross, SECURED our victory, and the end is already written. WE WIN! JESUS is THEE Way, THEE Truth,and THEE Life. Choose the WINNING side. NOW! 👊✊️💪🙏

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